Sch. Custom office Desk and furniture for your School Marvel or the KMI Group"
Custom desk starting under $1000 depending on the features and benefits your school needs
Show your Principle or your office personnel what W.B. can do for them with office furniture; We represent the K.M.I. and the Marvel group; Marvel of K.M.I.sends an interior designer to your school and then measures and produces a schematic design with options for your office furniture!
"No charge" for interior designer,the layout and the drawings"
We can enhance your office decor with new desks and office furniture to make your environment more efficient and more organized:
School districts love our lay out and design work.
K.M.I. and Marvel also offers their own healthy office living stand up desk; This desk allows you to sit down or stand up; Whats even more impressive it has it's own set of wheels to travel through a school or office facility This stand up desk is exclusive to marvel and K.M.I and W.B